
SVG Donut Charts

SVG Donut Charts

6 Edge Animate projects (+16 additional examples) with animated SVG Donut Charts for infographics, statistics, dashboard charts and other data visualisations.



6 Edge Animate projects (+16 additional examples) with animated SVG Donut Chartsfor infographics, statistics, dashboard charts and other data visualisations.
  • Displays one value or compairs two different values
  • Present as Donut or Pie chart
  • Animated SVG (CSS3 animation)
  • Free icon fonts used for the icons
  • Resolution independent graphics – pure CSS shapes, icon fonts or SVG
  • Any count of chart instances (easy to add more)
  • Easy to change data, animation easing, animation direction, colors of elements (with or without Edge Animate software), add new ones or just remove them
  • Included:
    • Edge Animate files (.an, JS, HTML)
    • Icon fonts in some projects (for preview purpose)
    • Documentation
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